리스너 로그 파일에  아래와 같은 내용이 있어 메타링크를 찾아봤습니다.

WARNING: Subscription for node down event still pending

역시나 올해 1월 8일에 메타링크에 이미 공지된 내용이네요. 10g 에서만 문제되는 듯합니다 ^^

오라클 리스너 파일에 아래 파라미터를 추가하면 되네요..


출처: 오라클 메타링크

10G LSNR: 'Warning: Subscription For Node Down Event Still Pending' In Listener Log

Applies to:

Oracle Net Services - Version: to
This problem can occur on any platform.
Checked for relevance on 08-JAN-2009.
This issue affects only 10g and newer listeners.


You are receiving the following warning messages in the listener.log file constantly:
'WARNING: Subscription for node down event still pending' 

This may be a new installation or a recent upgrade to 10g or newer.

These messages are related to the Oracle TNS Listener's default subscription to the Oracle Notification Service (ONS). In a non-RAC environment it is recommended to disable this subscription.  
This feature was introduced in Oracle 10g.


Set the following parameter in the listener.ora:

Where <listener_name> should be replaced with the actual listener name configured in the

SUBSCRIBE_FOR_NODE_DOWN_EVENT_<listener_name> parameter is to be placed by istelf on an empty line.

It will be necessary to restart or reload the listener following the addition of this parameter.

This will prevent the messages from being written to the log file and may also prevent the TNS
Listener from hanging periodically.  See Note 340091.1

Please Note: Setting SUBSCRIBE_FOR_NODE_DOWN_<listername> to OFF disables a necessary RAC functionality. The above workaround is recommended only for non-RAC environments.
The issue may be present in all 10g and newer installations.


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