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Recommendations For using CIO/DIO for Oracle Files on AIX [ID 960055.1]

수정 날짜 22-JUL-2010     유형 BULLETIN     상태 PUBLISHED  

Applies to:
Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to - Release: 10.1 to 11.1
IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)
IBM AIX Based Systems (64-bit)

Recommendation for using CIO/DIO for Oracle Files on AIX

Scope and Application
All DBAs who work on AIX.

Recommendations For using CIO/DIO for Oracle Files on AIX
From 10g onwards, If you set filesystemio_options=setall then Oracle by default uses the
CIO option to perform i/o on the oracle files. There is no need to specify the cio flag explicitly
to mount the disk used for the Oracle Files.

You need to set the cio flag explicitly if you are not using filesystemio_options=setall.

The CIO/DIO recommendations for Oracle Files are:

Data Base Files (DBF)
++ Use CIO or no mount options for extremely sequential I/O

Redo Log/Control Files
++ Use CIO or DIO

Archive Log Files
++ Do not use CIO or DIO

Flashback Log Files
++ Flashback Log files should use CIO, DIO, or rbrw

Oracle Binaries
++ Do not use CIO or DIO



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