장비 이전 또는 업그레이드시 기존 OS 및 환경정보 등을 백업할 필요가 발생합니다.
저 같은 경우는 prtconf 또는 필요한 개별 환경을 수작업으로 카피하여 이용하곤 했었는데
역시나 외국의 어느분이 유닉스 시스템 정보 수집을 위한 스크립트(cfg2html)를 잘 정리해서 배포하고 계셨네요.
스크립트 실행 시 텍스트, HTML, 에러 파일 등 세개가 생성되는데 수집 항목이 생각 이상으로 많습니다.
AIX 외에 HP-UX, 리눅스 등의 OS 별로 스크립트를 다운로드 받아 사용하면 되나,,
단 야후 그룹에 멤버로 가입해야지만 스크립트 파일에 접근이 가능합니다.
AIX 5.3 환경에서 테스트를 해본 결과
수집 항목이 다양하고 일목 요연하게 잘 정리되어 있어 충분히 활용 가치가 있습니다.
단, 수집 관련 일부 명령어에서 오류가 발생하는 부분도 있으니 상황에 맞게 참고 하시면 될 듯 하네요.
* 수집 항목을 미리 확인하려면, 아래 더보기 버튼 클릭
# OS 수집 항목
- System name, nodename, version, machine ID
- Machine_Type
- Chip_Type
- Serial_Number
- machine ID
- system ID
- Display the name of the current host system
- info about root
- unsuccessful root logins
- Print Configuration
- OS Version (Version.Release.Modification.Fix)
- OS Technology Level (oslevel -r)
- Highest Known OS Technology Level (oslevel -rq)
- Current ServicePac (oslevel -s)
- Highest Known ServicePac (oslevel -sq)
- OS Maintenance Level (instfix)
- Hardware Platform Type
- Model Architecture
- Memory Size (KB/MB/GB)
- Memory Size (KBytes/MBytes)
- show sys0 attributes
- show hdisk for boot logical volume
- CPU 32/64 bit
- Installed Kernel 32/64 bit
- Multi-Processor Capability
- Model Implementation
- Boot Device List
- Machine Model Code
- Boot device (booted from)
- last reboot
- Bindprocessor
- CPU's
- Info about CPU
- CPU's Speed
- Display System Rset Contents
- Uptime, Who, Load & Sar Cpu
- Display Summary of Statistics since boot
- Display Fork statistics
- Displays the number of Interrupts
- List Sum of paging events
- Report CPU and I/O statistics
- Display the status of MultiPath I/O (MPIO) capable devices
- List Kernel Lock Tracing current Status
- SUMA Configuration
- SUMA Tasks
- Filesets locked by EFIX manager (-l)
- Filesets locked by EFIX manager (-P)
- WLM Workload Manager
- show sys0 attributes
- vmo: vmo -a
- vmo: vmo -ra
- vmo: vmo -pa
- vmo: vmo -L
- ioo: ioo -a
- ioo: ioo -ra
- ioo: ioo -pa
- ioo: ioo -L
- List current status of all defined subsystems
- List Capacity upgrade On Demand values
- List Resources
- List Processes
- List Processes hierarchically
Filesystems, Dump- and Paging-configuration
- List Filesystems
- List Filesystems (extended)
- Mounted Filesystems
- Filesystems and Usage
- Filesystems and Usage
- Total Used Local Diskspace
- Exported NFS Filesystems
- Mounted Exported NFS Filesystems
- Paging
- Page Size
- Kernel paging events
- List current value of dump devices
- Check dump resources
- Most recent system dump
- Error Report
- Display Disk Quota
- Filesystem Fragmentation status
- Available Physical Devices
- Defined Physical Devices
- Show Major/Minor Number of hdisks
- Hardware Configuration
- Hardware Configuration with VPD
- Display Bus Resources for available Devices
- List all PCI hot plug slots
- List all available PCI hot plug slots
- List all assigned PCI Host Bridges
- Tape rmt0 info
- CURRENT attributes of tape rmt0
- DEFAULT attributes of tape rmt0
- Tape rmt1 info
- CURRENT attributes of tape rmt1
- DEFAULT attributes of tape rmt1
- Tape rmt2 info
- CURRENT attributes of tape rmt2
- DEFAULT attributes of tape rmt2
- Tape rmt3 info
- CURRENT attributes of tape rmt3
- DEFAULT attributes of tape rmt3
- Tape rmt4 info
- CURRENT attributes of tape rmt4
- DEFAULT attributes of tape rmt4
- Tape smc0 info
- CURRENT attributes of tape smc0
- DEFAULT attributes of tape smc0
- Tape smc1 info
- CURRENT attributes of tape smc1
- DEFAULT attributes of tape smc1
- Physical Volumes
- Physical Volumes per Volume Group
- Layout Physical Volumes
- List Volume Distribution: rootvg
- List Volume Distribution: dbvg1
- List Volume Distribution: dbvg2
- Mapping of hdisk to pdisk
- Mapping of pdisk to hdisk
- SSA Connection Data
- SDD: lslpp .ibm2105
- SDD: lslpp essutil
- SDD: lslpp ibmcim
- Volume Groups
- Volume Group State
- Logical Volume Groups
- List Logical Volumes
Users & Groups
- Rlogin enabled by Systemuser
- Display User Account Attributes
- Display Group Account Attributes
- Display role attributes
- /etc/passwd
- Errors found in authentication
- Errors found in passwd
- /etc/group
- Errors found in group
Network Settings
- List of all IP addresses
- List of Ports in use
- List of all interfaces
- Display information about all network interfaces
- Display information about all etherchannel interfaces
- Display information about all VLANs on network interfaces
- Adapter Modes
- Display current network attributes in the kernel
- List Network File System (NFS) network variables
- List of all routing table entries by name
- List of all routing table entries by IP-address
- Show statistics for each protocol
- Show the routing statistics
- Show statistics for CDLI-based communications adapters
- Show statistics recorded by memory management routines
- Show NFS statistics
- Display a List of Registered RPC Programs
- Display a List of RPC Statistics
- DNS Resolver Configuration
- Display all Name Server Entries
- show arp cache
- IPC info
Cron and At
- /var/adm/cron/cron.deny
- Crontab for all users
- /var/adm/cron/at.deny
- AT Scheduler
- Filesets installed
- Display all information about Filesets
- Verify Filesets
- ssh: ssh -V
- rpm: rpm --version
- rpm: rpm -qa
- /var/ifor/nodelock
- /var/ifor/i4ls.ini
- /var/ifor/i4ls.rc
- License Agreements Manager
- Display fixed and floating Licenses
- Run Command files in /etc/rc.d
- //.profile
- /etc/aliases
- /etc/binld.cnf
- /etc/bootptab
- /etc/dhcpcd.ini
- /etc/dhcprd.cnf
- /etc/dhcpsd.cnf
- /etc/dlpi.conf
- /etc/environment
- /etc/gated.conf
- /etc/hostmibd.conf
- /etc/hosts
- /etc/hosts.equiv
- /etc/hosts.lpd
- /etc/inetd.conf
- /etc/inittab
- /etc/mrouted.conf
- /etc/netsvc.conf
- /etc/ntp.conf
- /etc/oratab
- /etc/policyd.conf
- /etc/protocols
- /etc/pse.conf
- /etc/pse_tune.conf
- /etc/pxed.cnf
- /etc/qconfig
- /etc/filesystems
- /etc/rc
- /etc/rc.bsdnet
- /etc/rc.net
- /etc/rc.net.serial
- /etc/rc.qos
- /etc/rc.tcpip
- /etc/rsvpd.conf
- /etc/security/limits
- /etc/slip.hosts
- /etc/snmpd.conf
- /etc/snmpd.peers
- /etc/syslog.conf
- /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- /etc/telnet.conf
- /etc/tunables/lastboot.log
- /etc/tunables/lastboot
- /etc/tunables/nextboot
- /etc/xtiso.conf
- /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/rc.adsmserv
- /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys
- /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.opt
- /etc/qconfig
- /etc/filesystems
- Content of /var/log
NIM - Network Installation Management
- Display information about NIM (lsnim)
LUM - License Use Manager
- ASYNC I/O minservers
- ASYNC I/O maxservers
- List aioserver Processes
- SDD: lslpp mpio
- SDD: lslpp .sdd
- SDDPCM: q version
- SDDPCM: q adapter
- SDDPCM: q wwpn
- SDDPCM: q adaptstats
- SDDPCM: q portmap
- SDDPCM: q essmap
- SDDPCM: q device
- SDDPCM: q devstats
- SDDPCM: q adapter
- which
- which
- which_fileset
- which_fileset
- Perl -v info
- Perl -V info
- Show NTP process
- Proctree
- Proctree -a root
- Uptime
- rUptime
- rwho
- pmcycles
- System Install Time
- who -a
- who -b
- who -r
- who -b;who -r
- Java
- Java (fullversion)
- xlc: xlc -qversion
- lslpp -l vac
- svmon summary
- System name, nodename, version, machine ID
- Machine_Type
- Chip_Type
- Serial_Number
- machine ID
- system ID
- Display the name of the current host system
- info about root
- unsuccessful root logins
- Print Configuration
- OS Version (Version.Release.Modification.Fix)
- OS Technology Level (oslevel -r)
- Highest Known OS Technology Level (oslevel -rq)
- Current ServicePac (oslevel -s)
- Highest Known ServicePac (oslevel -sq)
- OS Maintenance Level (instfix)
- Hardware Platform Type
- Model Architecture
- Memory Size (KB/MB/GB)
- Memory Size (KBytes/MBytes)
- show sys0 attributes
- show hdisk for boot logical volume
- CPU 32/64 bit
- Installed Kernel 32/64 bit
- Multi-Processor Capability
- Model Implementation
- Boot Device List
- Machine Model Code
- Boot device (booted from)
- last reboot
- Bindprocessor
- CPU's
- Info about CPU
- CPU's Speed
- Display System Rset Contents
- Uptime, Who, Load & Sar Cpu
- Display Summary of Statistics since boot
- Display Fork statistics
- Displays the number of Interrupts
- List Sum of paging events
- Report CPU and I/O statistics
- Display the status of MultiPath I/O (MPIO) capable devices
- List Kernel Lock Tracing current Status
- SUMA Configuration
- SUMA Tasks
- Filesets locked by EFIX manager (-l)
- Filesets locked by EFIX manager (-P)
- WLM Workload Manager
- show sys0 attributes
- vmo: vmo -a
- vmo: vmo -ra
- vmo: vmo -pa
- vmo: vmo -L
- ioo: ioo -a
- ioo: ioo -ra
- ioo: ioo -pa
- ioo: ioo -L
- List current status of all defined subsystems
- List Capacity upgrade On Demand values
- List Resources
- List Processes
- List Processes hierarchically
Filesystems, Dump- and Paging-configuration
- List Filesystems
- List Filesystems (extended)
- Mounted Filesystems
- Filesystems and Usage
- Filesystems and Usage
- Total Used Local Diskspace
- Exported NFS Filesystems
- Mounted Exported NFS Filesystems
- Paging
- Page Size
- Kernel paging events
- List current value of dump devices
- Check dump resources
- Most recent system dump
- Error Report
- Display Disk Quota
- Filesystem Fragmentation status
- Available Physical Devices
- Defined Physical Devices
- Show Major/Minor Number of hdisks
- Hardware Configuration
- Hardware Configuration with VPD
- Display Bus Resources for available Devices
- List all PCI hot plug slots
- List all available PCI hot plug slots
- List all assigned PCI Host Bridges
- Tape rmt0 info
- CURRENT attributes of tape rmt0
- DEFAULT attributes of tape rmt0
- Tape rmt1 info
- CURRENT attributes of tape rmt1
- DEFAULT attributes of tape rmt1
- Tape rmt2 info
- CURRENT attributes of tape rmt2
- DEFAULT attributes of tape rmt2
- Tape rmt3 info
- CURRENT attributes of tape rmt3
- DEFAULT attributes of tape rmt3
- Tape rmt4 info
- CURRENT attributes of tape rmt4
- DEFAULT attributes of tape rmt4
- Tape smc0 info
- CURRENT attributes of tape smc0
- DEFAULT attributes of tape smc0
- Tape smc1 info
- CURRENT attributes of tape smc1
- DEFAULT attributes of tape smc1
- Physical Volumes
- Physical Volumes per Volume Group
- Layout Physical Volumes
- List Volume Distribution: rootvg
- List Volume Distribution: dbvg1
- List Volume Distribution: dbvg2
- Mapping of hdisk to pdisk
- Mapping of pdisk to hdisk
- SSA Connection Data
- SDD: lslpp .ibm2105
- SDD: lslpp essutil
- SDD: lslpp ibmcim
- Volume Groups
- Volume Group State
- Logical Volume Groups
- List Logical Volumes
Users & Groups
- Rlogin enabled by Systemuser
- Display User Account Attributes
- Display Group Account Attributes
- Display role attributes
- /etc/passwd
- Errors found in authentication
- Errors found in passwd
- /etc/group
- Errors found in group
Network Settings
- List of all IP addresses
- List of Ports in use
- List of all interfaces
- Display information about all network interfaces
- Display information about all etherchannel interfaces
- Display information about all VLANs on network interfaces
- Adapter Modes
- Display current network attributes in the kernel
- List Network File System (NFS) network variables
- List of all routing table entries by name
- List of all routing table entries by IP-address
- Show statistics for each protocol
- Show the routing statistics
- Show statistics for CDLI-based communications adapters
- Show statistics recorded by memory management routines
- Show NFS statistics
- Display a List of Registered RPC Programs
- Display a List of RPC Statistics
- DNS Resolver Configuration
- Display all Name Server Entries
- show arp cache
- IPC info
Cron and At
- /var/adm/cron/cron.deny
- Crontab for all users
- /var/adm/cron/at.deny
- AT Scheduler
- Filesets installed
- Display all information about Filesets
- Verify Filesets
- ssh: ssh -V
- rpm: rpm --version
- rpm: rpm -qa
- /var/ifor/nodelock
- /var/ifor/i4ls.ini
- /var/ifor/i4ls.rc
- License Agreements Manager
- Display fixed and floating Licenses
- Run Command files in /etc/rc.d
- //.profile
- /etc/aliases
- /etc/binld.cnf
- /etc/bootptab
- /etc/dhcpcd.ini
- /etc/dhcprd.cnf
- /etc/dhcpsd.cnf
- /etc/dlpi.conf
- /etc/environment
- /etc/gated.conf
- /etc/hostmibd.conf
- /etc/hosts
- /etc/hosts.equiv
- /etc/hosts.lpd
- /etc/inetd.conf
- /etc/inittab
- /etc/mrouted.conf
- /etc/netsvc.conf
- /etc/ntp.conf
- /etc/oratab
- /etc/policyd.conf
- /etc/protocols
- /etc/pse.conf
- /etc/pse_tune.conf
- /etc/pxed.cnf
- /etc/qconfig
- /etc/filesystems
- /etc/rc
- /etc/rc.bsdnet
- /etc/rc.net
- /etc/rc.net.serial
- /etc/rc.qos
- /etc/rc.tcpip
- /etc/rsvpd.conf
- /etc/security/limits
- /etc/slip.hosts
- /etc/snmpd.conf
- /etc/snmpd.peers
- /etc/syslog.conf
- /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- /etc/telnet.conf
- /etc/tunables/lastboot.log
- /etc/tunables/lastboot
- /etc/tunables/nextboot
- /etc/xtiso.conf
- /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/rc.adsmserv
- /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys
- /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.opt
- /etc/qconfig
- /etc/filesystems
- Content of /var/log
NIM - Network Installation Management
- Display information about NIM (lsnim)
LUM - License Use Manager
- ASYNC I/O minservers
- ASYNC I/O maxservers
- List aioserver Processes
- SDD: lslpp mpio
- SDD: lslpp .sdd
- SDDPCM: q version
- SDDPCM: q adapter
- SDDPCM: q wwpn
- SDDPCM: q adaptstats
- SDDPCM: q portmap
- SDDPCM: q essmap
- SDDPCM: q device
- SDDPCM: q devstats
- SDDPCM: q adapter
- which
- which
- which_fileset
- which_fileset
- Perl -v info
- Perl -V info
- Show NTP process
- Proctree
- Proctree -a root
- Uptime
- rUptime
- rwho
- pmcycles
- System Install Time
- who -a
- who -b
- who -r
- who -b;who -r
- Java
- Java (fullversion)
- xlc: xlc -qversion
- lslpp -l vac
- svmon summary
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