Description The DIAS (Digital Information Archiving System) solution provides a flexible and scalable open deposit library solution for storing and retrieving massive amounts of electronic documents and multimedia files. It conforms with the ISO Reference OAIS standard and supports physical and logical digital preservation. |
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Technology and Value Proposition The DIAS solution allows the manual as well as automated ingest of digital information (assets) into the system. Once the asset is successfully stored it will be maintained and preserved. Preservation functionality will be enhanced in future DIAS versions to give signals for stored assets which must be converted or migrated to keep it available for use. Stored assets can be accessed either via a web based interface (for assets having standard file types) or via a specific work environment on a Reference Workstation. |
Target Customers Any organization that has the need to store and keep available digital information over many years such as Deposit Libraries, National Archives, Governmental Institutions, Pharmaceuticals, Banks and Insurance Companies. |
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Installed base DIAS is being used as the Deposit Library for electronic publications (electronic documents and multimedia files) at the National Library of the Netherlands (Koninklijke Bibliotheek). |
Prerequisites Server hardware and software that can run IBM Content Manager (e.g. IBM/AIX or Sun/Solaris). PC/Windows systems for manual building for clients. Web based clients for access. In addition, special PC/Windows systems for the Reference Workstation work environment. |
# 출처 |
# 관련 문헌
서은경. 2003. 디지털 정보자원 보존의 위험관리분석: 대학도서관 전자정보실 중심으로. 정보관리학회지. 20(1): 5-29.
서혜란. 2003. 디지털자료의 납본과 보존을 위한 각 국가의 노력. 정보관리학회지. 20(1).
설문원 외. 2005. 국가 디지털 아카이빙 체제구축에 관한 연구. 서울: 한국과학기술정보연구원.
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